"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."
3 john 1:4
Sunday Mornings
10:30am - 11:30AM
Join us Sunday mornings for a great time in Construction Zone. This class is for children Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Our goal is to partner with parents to help build kids to live for God and that’s what takes place each week in Construction Zone.
We do this through worship, relevant and engaging teaching. The last Sunday of each month is Family Worship Sunday where these students begin the service in the Sanctuary for a time of corporate worship, and occasionally the children present the offertory.
Our goal is to partner with parents to help build kids to live for God and that’s what takes place each week in Construction Zone.
We do this through worship, relevant and engaging teaching. The last Sunday of each month is Family Worship Sunday where these students begin the service in the Sanctuary for a time of corporate worship, and occasionally the children present the offertory.